Want a realistic financial strategy to fit your unique situation and help you to reach your goals?
Want a realistic financial strategy to fit your unique situation and help you to reach your goals?
Financial strategies as unique as you
Sounds a bit fancy, right? Unrealistic? No way! If you earn an income, you can use some of that money and put it to work! For some this may be as little as $10 a week, for others it may involve a more sophisticated plan. It’s all about strategy… Working out how much you need to live on, how to reduce and manage your debt and how much you can realistically afford to start creating wealth that works for you.
Retirement planning goes beyond superannuation… The questions we need to ask include; how much will you need to survive on every year of retirement? How will you structure your assets to ensure you’re not being penalised?
Making money? Lucky you. And yes, it means you have to pay tax. Minimising tax is always a hot topic. We look at your situation from a bird’s-eye view, work with your accountant and re-engineer your financial situation to take advantage of all the cool tax planning strategies available.
Estate planning is way more than having a Will (hang on, have you got a Will?!). Here’s the thing; you are going to die (sorry, just being honest). That we know. But we don’t know when. So if you make sure you’re prepared for the inevitable, then when the day comes, it will make such a difficult time so much easier for those you leave behind and you’ll feel confident that your money and assets lives on with those most important to you.
The sooner you understand your super and what it’s all about the better. Superannuation is one of those things people often put to the back of their mind…. Generally until it’s too late. A smart superannuation strategy can be easily achieved when the right plan is in place. Our aim? In simple terms, it is to get you the most out of your money. While this sounds simple, the hard work is in finding the correct type of fund for your situation and couple this with a good savings plan. Whether this be a self managed super fund, your government allocated super or an alternate option, we’ll make sure you’re set with the best option for you.
What happens when you can’t work? Or worse?Honestly, personal insurance is a must. It hurts to hear people say, “but I can’t afford it”. You can’t afford NOT to have it. Your biggest asset is you. The ability to earn an income is something people take for granted far too often. It’s a bit icky to think about what would happen to the kids if you died or if you became seriously ill or injured. Imagine the costs involved in managing a serious illness alongside the expenses that don’t go away… mortgage, bills, food, school fees. The cost of not having cover is far, far greater than the premiums you pay for peace of mind.
Your business is your baby, so what do you do when it comes time to sell or transition out? Your business can be your biggest asset. The timing, the lead up, the sale price, boosting profits all need to be considered as you seriously start thinking about selling your business whether to retire or for other reasons.